Usability Testing Workshop – Make Your Site Better in 30 Minutes

Most WordPress users, developers and designers don’t have the money or time to test the usability of their website, so we will get it done together in this session. We will begin with a crash course in how to test, find, and fix the mistakes that confuse your visitors and keep them from being successful on your site. Then we will split up into pairs and you will test your own website on your workshop neighbors, and vice versa.

This session is not about finding code bugs, it’s about finding human bugs. Most fixes are as easy as changing a few words, or the placement of a button. Simple improvements in usability can improve web traffic and profitability starting immediately.

This session will benefit all WordPress users from beginning webmasters to hard core coders. If you build things for humans, this is for you.

This session will be fun, interactive and fast, and save you thousands of dollars on hiring a professional tester and paying for test users.


  • If you can define a goal for your website (i.e. make money, generate contacts, sell ads, inform visitors, etc.) then you can probably increase your site’s effectiveness before this session is over.
